03 5261 3475

Torquay signwriting

Patron Signs provide skilled signwriting services to Torquay clients, specialising in smaller jobs for local clients. We have a wealth of experience in working in the region and it is this local knowledge, our high quality work and experience that makes us a logical choice for your next signwriting job.

At Patron Signs Torquay we provide:

  • Hand painted signs
  • Vinyl cut lettering
  • Digital print signs

We pride ourselves on providing a friendly and experienced service to all our clients.

Hand painted signs

Torquay Signwriters, Patron Signs, are experts in traditional sign making, an effective method that can be used for a number of applications not achieved using modern printing processes.

We hand paint signs on shop front windows for sales, Christmas messages, relocation messages and business information. Traditional hand painted signs can be more cost effective than other methods and are extremely durable. Talk to us and we can advise on the best method for your next sign project.

Vinyl cut lettering

Vinyl cut signage is a popular choice for branding windows and businesses with names, logos or opening hours and sales. It is a simple yet effective means of signage. Vinyl cut lettering and graphics are also ideal for cars, boats, vans, trucks and trailers – or any other vehicle where you want your message or brand to be seen.

Vinyl lettering and graphics are self-adhesive with pre-spaced letters and shapes cut from high quality outdoor vinyl. A range of colours and textures are available which can be applied to glass, plastic, metal, chrome and painted surfaces. Vinyl cut lettering is also ideal for shop signs, marine signs and banners.

Digital printing

Digital printing has become an additional service in the signage industry as technology advances have resulted in a new method of creating signs. In the past, many effects and letters were done by hand yet this evolution of digital printers means clients have the option of presenting their signs in a more uniform manner. At Patron Signs we use a Minaki Digital Printer, a brand renowned for its quality.

Contact us at Patron Signs Torquay for more information on our signwriting products or for any advice you need.